Monday, July 14, 2008

My new toy

I got a new toy!!! Mommy really doesn't buy me a lot of toys (I have dogs and dirt...I don't need much more), but she thought I would like to play with this one in our yard. And I LOVE IT!

Mommy told me I could put things in my wagon and pull them around the yard. So look what I put in there - ME!

Yep, I'm adorable.


Anonymous said...

OMG! That is the most friggin' adorable picture and caption ever! Jacob,please tell your mommy thank you for sending the duvet out to me. Tell her I'll send a check her way soon. Love you.

Anonymous said...

Gramma JOJO just loves looking at these pictures. You are the cutest baby...make that little boy... that I know. Only 16 more days until I come out and give you a great big kiss. I can't wait....