Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I know where my nose is...

Check out the cool new thing I learned the other day! I can identify a few body parts (and a few more that mommy won't record me identifying).

And wow! We didn't expect so many people were going to get excited about this - so thanks!

(BUT, you all must understand that my Gramma JoJo is just a little bit sad to have to share me with everyone else. I'm sending a little extra love her way :)


Anonymous said...

i'm sorry gramma jo-jo is sad, but her e-mail folder will thank you! We all miss Jacob after all.

Gramma JoJo said...

Are we digging for gold???

Auntie Lindsay said...

Yes...we're all sorry gramma jojo is sad but it is true...we ALL miss our little man!!

Anonymous said...

Remember when Mickey stuck the pussy willow up his nose and Grampa had to get it out! Keep Jacob away from the pussy willow bushes, cause it may run in the family.

Anonymous said...


Beware of baby carrots. They fit excellently inside noses.

Kelly said...

can you fedex him this way please?

Kelly said...

can you fedex him this way please?