Tuesday, July 1, 2008

MOD 0701

Here is our MOD (Movie of the Day) for July 1, 2008.

My camera had dead batteries so we thought we'd try to capture the cuteness on the webcam. After a glowing review from the critics, we decided that we will have to record more videos!


Auntie Lindsay said...

I LOVED the MOD. But it makes me miss you even more. Peek a boo is hilarious!!!

Anonymous said...

I put my comment in the wrong spot before. Say "aunt becky" Jacob..."Aunt Becky". I'm hoping for some Independence Day flare in tomorrow's post!

Anonymous said...

Erin--It's Becky's friend Julie. That child is too darn cute! He's getting so big too.

Keep posting to this blog and share the cuteness!

Anonymous said...