Here is our MOD (Movie of the Day) for July 1, 2008.
My camera had dead batteries so we thought we'd try to capture the cuteness on the webcam. After a glowing review from the critics, we decided that we will have to record more videos!
I LOVED the MOD. But it makes me miss you even more. Peek a boo is hilarious!!!
I put my comment in the wrong spot before. Say "aunt becky" Jacob..."Aunt Becky". I'm hoping for some Independence Day flare in tomorrow's post!
Erin--It's Becky's friend Julie. That child is too darn cute! He's getting so big too. Keep posting to this blog and share the cuteness!
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I LOVED the MOD. But it makes me miss you even more. Peek a boo is hilarious!!!
I put my comment in the wrong spot before. Say "aunt becky" Jacob..."Aunt Becky". I'm hoping for some Independence Day flare in tomorrow's post!
Erin--It's Becky's friend Julie. That child is too darn cute! He's getting so big too.
Keep posting to this blog and share the cuteness!
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