Wednesday, September 3, 2008


I am testing a new theory. My theory is that if I am really cute and I laugh a lot, I can get away with anything.

Here is my experiment from last night.

Step 1: Smile for the camera and prove how cute and innocent I am.Step 2: Look right at mom-mom and yell (she knows this means I am going to do something naughty.)Step 3: Splash a little bit of water to see what the reaction is. Step 4: Splash water around the entire bathroom.
It seems that as long as I smile and laugh while I do bad things, mom-mom and dada smile and laugh, too! I am so clever.

But I made up for my naughty behavior later. After mom-mom had to chase me through the house to get my jammies on, we played for a bit and tried to settle down. Then, I grabbed my blanket, came over to mom-mom and said "night-night." She asked me if I wanted to go to bed (not sure why, since I just TOLD her that) and I told her "yes" again and went into my room and tried to crawl up in my bed. Now THAT'S a good boy.

Love, J


Anonymous said...

I MISS YOU :o( Jacob...Auntie Lindsay is sad today cause she sees how big you are getting and misses you, mom-mom and dada.
I wish you lived here (hint hint)
Lots of love!!!

Anonymous said...

I love the water flying photo. Get that kid into the movies!!!