Friday, October 17, 2008

Morning Shows

Every morning, after mom-mom gets me out of bed, I run out to the living room and grab the remote control and hand it to mom. I need her to turn the tv on for me and put on my SHOWS!

If I get up early enough, I like to watch 'Super Why.' Mom-mom is surprised that I like this show since it's about reading and spelling, neither of which I can do. But, I sit there and shout out letters. My favorite letters are 'E' and 'DOUBLE-Y." Not sure what words use "double-y"...

And then, at 10:00, BARNEY comes on. And today Barney was about airplanes. It's gonna be a good day!

Now we're watching Sesame Street.

Sounds like a lot of tv watching, doesn't it? Well, mom-mom says WHATEVER. It helps keep me entertained while she gets some things done in the morning. Today, she's making chili!

Anyhow, here are a few pictures of me watching my shows. I am such a big boy!

I hope you all have a GREAT weekend!

Love, J


Anonymous said...

Thıs kıd ıs sure cute! On to Ephesıs tomorrow. But cannot waıt to get home and see you all - even Jacob ....


Grandpa and Grandma Holko

Anonymous said...

I think he should be a Fisher Price Kid!