Happy Halloween to you all! Be safe and have a fun night!
Love, J
Well, you are all going to be VERY impressed with this. I'll let the video speak for itself!
And just so you know, I think mom-mom has a lovely singing voice. Someday, I will be embarrassed by her singing, but right now I think it is great. She told me til I came around, she would never sing out loud. And now here she is posting it on the internet! It's amazing what I can get mom-mom to do for me...
Love you all!
Then it was time to go and pick out my pumpkin. I considered this very carefully, and had a hard time making my choice. I think I'm like mom-mom. She takes forever to pick out a pumpkin. I think we annoyed daddy a little with our pumpkin picking.I finally found a winner! And mom-mom has some new photos of me that she thinks are adorable...
And here's a picture of my daddy. I think he's trying to pretend he's having a good time, but really he's smiling because mom-mom said we could go to Arby's for lunch.
That's all for now. Hope you like my pictures!
Love, J
PS - Grandma & Grandpa Holko - have fun in Turkey!!!
Sometimes, I kiss my pumpkin...is that weird?
And here's a picture of my baby birds! All three are finally out of their nest, and they get cuter and cuter every day. That's a good thing, because they were not very cute when they first hatched!
That's all for today. It's finally a little bit cooler this morning, so mom-mom and I might be able to go out and do something without getting too sweaty!
Love, J
PS - I'm working on saying "Hi!" to some other people who reads this page...but only the ones that leave me comments!
Then, somehow, it stopped working. I blew and blew...and no bubbles. Look closely and you might figure out what the problem was.
Ha ha! You thought it was because the stick was upside down, didn't you? Nope. It's because the bubble stuff was INSIDE the container. Duh. Luckily, that's a problem I can fix.
Sooo proud of myself.Next step: Get bubble stuff all over my face.
Then BLOW!
Ok, mom-mom totally missed getting a picture of it, but I was really just blowing giant bubbles with my mouth.
And this is a very special video for Uncle Mick. I worked very hard on this one...
Ok, ok...so I know you wanted me to say "Hi, Mick," but that's too hard for me. Mom-mom said I could call you Mickey!
Love, J
In case anyone wonders why mom-mom sounds tired when you talk to her, watch the trouble I can get into when she turns her back.
Well, daddy is off to Kentucky again. We took him to the airport early this morning, but he'll be home again tomorrow. Me and mom-mom went to the park this morning after the airport (and Starbucks) and watched all the juvenile delinquents that were hanging out at the park before school. Mom-mom said she does not want me to grow up.
Love, J
I'm quite busy this morning. I have a lot of calls to make, some computer work to get through...
Do you think maybe mom-mom talks on the phone too much? Surely this is where I learned this behavior.
We had a fun weekend! Yesterday, mom-mom and daddy took me to see an airshow! Anyone who has spent any time with me in the last year or so will know how very exciting this must have been for me. There were AIRPLANES EVERYWHERE!!! I spent two hours running around pointing and yelling. What a day!
Mom-mom forgot the camera. Oh well.
Love, J
Some days, mom-mom can't believe how much I grow up over night. Here I am, cleaning up after myself, jumping and dancing...I'm pretty cool.
It's finally a little cooler outside today, so maybe me and mom-mom will get to go to the park! And since it's Friday, that means the weekend is coming up and we'll get to have lots of fun together with daddy. I hope you all have a great weekend. Me and mom-mom love you all very much!