Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday Videos

It's Friday. We haven't really posted anything all week. Somehow time just seems to be going by really, really fast.

Monday we played with friends.

Tuesday we went to Grandma and Grandpa's after school.

Wednesday we stayed home and mom did mountains of laundry. You'd be surprised how much laundry two guys like us can generate. Thursday was pretty awesome. Started out like a normal Thursday...went to school. Grandpa picked me up and took me to the park to play tennis. Pretty good day, huh?

Well, THEN Mom came and picked me up and we went to a movie! This was my first time at a real movie. We saw the Easter Bunny movie, Hop. We both liked it a lot. I admit I did have a very hard time regulating the volume of my voice. Whatever. They play those movies so loud and there were only 6 other people there anyway. After the movie, we went out for dinner. Just me and Mom. I got to choose any place I wanted, and I chose the Mexican place near the little airport. We sat and ate rice and beans and watched planes and helicopters for an hour. It was fun.

And today....we're going CAMPING!

I'm sure we'll have lots of pic to share after this weekend, but for now we'll just post a few silly videos.

I've been working on some new moves.

This is why we love golden retrievers...

That's it for now. Have a great weekend!



GJJ said...

That child is a dancing fool but I love it. I think some of those moves he copied from Daddy although not the ones from Swan Lake.

Aunt Becky said...

Hey, we like Mumford and sons here too! But I haven't seen Alex bust a move like that yet!!! He's a natural!