Friday, April 22, 2011

Earth Day

Happy Earth Day, everyone!

We plan to head outside in a bit and plant some flowers together. Obviously, we'll take pictures of this and post them later.

We need to wake up a little bit first, though.

Ry is still pretty sleepy...

...but not sleepy enough to stop pestering me.

It really is interesting to hear how many times each day I get yelled at for bothering Ryan. You'd think that guy never did anything wrong. Well...he does. He is a pest.

On another note, we got to meet some special people last night! Grandpa Ken's sister, Aunt Annette and her son, Cousin Mike, are in San Diego for a visit. We went over to Grandma and Grandpa's house for dinner, and we had such a nice visit and we were so happy to finally get to meet them. I liked Mike immediately, and pretty much spent the whole evening sitting on his lap. Family is a pretty special thing...

We're headed out to plant some flowers. Happy Earth Day!


1 comment:

GJJ said...

Mom....he's touching me. Make him stop touching me......