Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Lunch Time

We know it's a waste of gas for daddy to drive home from work and have lunch with us...but it's worth it. We're pretty lucky to have such a good daddy.



Aunt Becky said...

I think that might be the best use of a gallon of gas I could possibly think of.

Dad said...

2 Comments: a) despite the atrophy my muscles have suffered since college graduation, you have managed to captured them in a very astheitc angle, b) thank you for using the black and white feature - it camouflages my east coast complexion (note: I had to look up 75% of the words used in this comment)

Anonymous said...

Dear Ben, next time use spell check too. LOL.

Dad said...

1 word out of about 50 ain't bad. Remember that you are talking to a guy who misspelled the word 'TAR' in his second grade spelling bee.