Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Big Boys

Can you believe how big I am getting? Mom bought me a new chair to sit in (Jake wasn't too excited about sharing his with me) and I LOVE it.

The best part about a new chair? New food! I got to try some real big boy food today. You might think that those little puffs that melt in your mouth aren't big boy food, but if all you've ever eaten is milk and squishy stuff, these puffs are practically steak!

So happy!

And since we have a video, here's a video, too (watch for Jake's bad behavior)...

This video was immediately followed by a TIME OUT.

Luckily, I'm not quite that big yet. With the way Jake carries on about it, it must be absolutely horrible.



GJJ said...

Poor Ryan. You must be starving him by the way he grabs for the morsels of food that you toss his way. As for his older brother, time out is appropriate for the child. I love them both!!!!

Lincoln said...

I LOVE the time out picture!

Dad said...

At least Jake has a fold down ironing board in his prison cell.