Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Remember the post yesterday with a picture of me sitting on the floor eating Lucky Charms? Here is what followed...

Mom-mom went to get dressed, and came back to find me scraping the frosting off of the cinnamon rolls I had helped myself to. Since I had already made a huge mess of myself, she let me continue while she went to the bathroom.

Sneaky guy that I am, I finished all of the cinnamon roll frosting, closed up the box, and put them back on the counter. THEN, I helped myself to the box of danishes that were up there. I really liked the lemon ones.

And would you believe that I still at a big lunch after all of this? Mom-mom says I must be growing.

Here is a picture of me from this morning. I thought I was being VERY funny because I would not look at mom-mom when she was taking the picture.

What trouble can I get into today? Hmmm...

Love, J


Anonymous said...

Awesome Jake! It takes alot of us a while to learn to not waste our time with the crap and just go for what we want. Stick to the frosting! I like the cup!

Annoyed Kelly said...

I am very sad for the comment that got taken down!

Gramma JoJo said...

I love it, payback time. Not that your mom mom was that mischievious but quite possibly your daddy was.

Gramma JoJo said...

And... I though Rufus was bad.