Saturday, April 4, 2009

Egg Hunts and Easter Bunnies

Saturday morning we went to daddy's work for an Easter gg hunt1 I did way better than last year. I even ran to get eggs! The Easter Bunny held my hand for a little while, too.

I see one!!!

Got two eggs!

Let's count 'em up!

Whoa! Did you know there is candy inside of eggs?

I was brave enough to go right up to the bunny once I knew he had a basket of candy.

Mom-mom doesn't like to have her picture taken at all.

But she sure does like ME!

I think daddy likes me, too.

What a fun way to spend a Saturday morning! Mom-mom said that the Easter Bunny will be coming to our house next weekend. I am already very excited about this. Easter Bunnies = CANDY!

Love, J

1 comment:

Gramma JOJO said...

We have eggs HERE that have lots of CANDY in them. I hope you had a great day.