Friday, July 9, 2010

Friday Photo Shoot

What a week it's been! I can't believe it's Friday already.

This week included earthquakes, gymnastics, and swimming lessons. I survived them all!

Since we have not posted pictures of anything for a while (sorry), here are a whole bunch from this morning.

Stirring my own chocolate milk (a delicacy I have recently discovered).

Ryan has figured out a new mode of transportation. It involves a lot of rolling and kicking, but it works pretty well, I guess.

"Are you guys seeing this?" Ryan asked. Mom and I are sissies and turned on the fireplace since it's below 70 degrees this morning.

Ryan was "hit with flies." (Which mom said means hypnotized...long story.)

Since Ry was having so much fun on the floor, I joined him.

Aren't we cute?

We took turns poking each other.

Until Ryan informed me that he'd had enough.

So I poked him one more time.

Daddy is off to Vegas this weekend, so it's Mama's Boy time! We plan to watch a lot of movies and just hang out together. We may stay in our pajamas all weekend.


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