Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Chicken Train

Poor Fluffy. I feel bad for her. I really do. But just imagine what Jake would do to me if she were not here to distract him?

The other day, Jake was in his playhouse that Mommy made for him out of a big box. She was in the big house and kept hearing (happy) screaming and barking. She thought Daddy was outside with Jake. Nope.

Mommy looked out the window to see Fluffy being held up through the window of Jake's house and dangled in front of Chewy just long enough for him to lick her. Then she would disappear back through the window and Chewy would bark incessantly until she reappeared. And she kept reappearing. And reappearing.

As funny as this may sound (it does sound funny the time it was really, really bad), again just imagine if he were torturing me like that.

Apparently this behavior is genetic. Check out our cousin Carleigh with her new ducks.

I'm glad I'm not a chicken. Or a duck.


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