Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Carleigh is Here!!!

We didn't post yesterday because we forgot...we were caught up in the excitement of baby Carleigh Jeanne Masterson! My new baby cousin was born yesterday and she is beautiful!!!

Here are a few pictures we stole from Grandma Nanci's page...I hope no one minds :)

Here she is...7 lbs 13 ozs, 20 inches long, and LOTS of pretty dark hair!

Here's my Uncle Brian holding his precious baby girl. This picture makes mom-mom get a little teary...

And Auntie Lindsay! I hope she doesn't get mad at us for posting this picture, but we LOVE it! Both Carleigh AND Lindsay look adorable...not sure how Lindsay still looks cute, even after that...
And here's my personal message to Carleigh...

And here's a funny thing: This morning, mom-mom asked me what I wanted to do today, just like she does every day, and I told her two things. I told her I wanted to "See Uncle Danny," and then I asked if I could "Call Lindsay?" With no prompting from mom-mom.

What a happy day! We wish we could be there to meet you in person, Carleigh. We know your mom-mom and daddy will take great care of you, though! And you're VERY lucky to have some really great Grammas and Grampas. Just wait til you figure out that they will give you ANYTHING you want! When I get home for my next visit, I'll show you a few tricks...


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