Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Oh My...

Has it really been almost a month since Mom posted anything here?

Well, we're back in San Diego. We've actually been back home for a week. Somehow that week has flown by faster than you'd think.

I think it's partly because we've had Aunt Candy visiting! We we really lucky and she flew back here with us when we left Buffalo, and she's been here with us for most of the week. We've done lots of fun things...and not taken pictures of any of them.

We did attempt a little nature walk on Monday morning and Mom actually brought her camera.

We started out having a good time. It was a beautiful, sunny morning.

Then Ryan sat down on the trail. Seemed like fun for a few minutes, but then the stinker refused to get up.

He started throwing a pretty ginormous tantrum, scaring off wildlife for miles around. So, Mom turned around to head back to the car and Candy and I ventured onward.

Strangely, before Mom and Ryan ever made it back to the car, we met up with them at the beginning of the trail. We took a wrong turn at Albuquerque, I guess. It was still a fun day.

We also planted our veggie garden with Aunt Candy. It's pretty awesome that people who come out to visit us tend to help with projects. Since Daddy (and his team) did such a great job of finishing up the new wall around the side of our house, we we able to find space for a huge veggie garden!

Mom built us a teepee this morning. We planted bean seeds around it so hopefully it will turn into a cool little place for us to play.

And since we're sharing garden photos, check out these huge volunteer squashy-things we have. They popped up from the compost Mom spread out earlier this year, and we've been excited to see what would grow on them.

Here is the first thing we harvested from the volunteer plants. Looks suspiciously like a gourd we had last Halloween...

We're going to enjoy our last few hours with Aunt Candy, but we'll post more pictures later...provided Mom takes some.


1 comment:

gjj said...

Great job on the wall, ben and his team. The veggie garden is lovely. It is much farther along than mine. Looks good!