Friday, February 11, 2011

It's Not Like This Everywhere?

We had our first fire (the good, contained kind...not the burn down the city kind) the other night. It's been so nice outside all week that Mom said we all had to stay outside and play.

Jake helped to keep me safe and kept telling me the fire was HOT. Not sure what it means, exactly, but it was fun to try to say the word "hot!"

In addition to learning about fire, I've also discovered bikes. I see Jake riding these things around all the time and it looks awesome. It goes something like this...

Oh, nevermind. I'll just wear his helmet and chase him this way!

Jacob and I are very excited. We've got another visitor coming tomorrow...and it's GRAMPA MIKE! Jake has been giving me the countdown all week. One more day!

Have a great weekend!



Aunt Becky said...

I'm sorry, but is that a board with a nail sticking out of it in the picture where your bare foot children are in front of the fire? I think I need to leave the 9 degree temperatures I'm in at the moment, get on a plane immediately and clear the area of all dangers.

Auntie Lindsay said...

As much as I LOVE the new makes me kinda sad :-(