Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Daddy and I played a game together last night. I won, both times!

Mom thought it was interesting how quickly the second game went, and how I never seemed to get any of the cards that would send me backwards (and therefore make the game take longer)...

Ryan and I both came home last night from Grandma Susan's with new jammies. Pretty cool jammies, too. Airplanes and helicopters!

Mom tried to catch this moment of me being sweet to my brother (which is getting easier to do lately, for some reason) in our jammies this morning.

You'll notice that we did not get a single picture where we were both looking at the camera, or even sitting still.  And the time that elapsed from the first shot to the last...11 seconds.


Dad said...

I would like to request that you either remove the bird's eye view picture or photoshop in some hair on my head. Am I going bald?!?!

Kelly said...

I noticed the picture has not been removed....I approve!

Janis said...

You're not going bald, you're just growing scalp. :) It is definitely uncanny how amazingly good Jake is. I have a feeling that Jack will also be experiencing some phenomenal beginner's luck if he ever plays that game with us.