Friday, February 5, 2010

B Sprouts

Mom doesn't like them either.

Soon Mom will post pictures of our house. It is a complete disaster right now. They are replacing our roof, adding lights to our ceiling, and putting a skylight in the bathroom today. While they are doing that, Mommy is trying to paint the ceilings in the bedrooms so we can move our furniture back in there and stop sleeping in the living room. Oh boy.

I hope you have a great weekend. We will have a busy one! Grampa Mike will be here on Sunday night though....yay!



GJJ said...

Oh my, what a mean mom making her child eat vegetables! I thought I was the only one that was that MEAN.
I don't like brussels sprouts myself.

Mike Masterson said...

Don't worry J, grampa Mike will be there to save you on more brussel sprouts...yuch!!!

Becky said...

I like brussel sprouts. You know you can slice them thin and saute them up. Add some brown butter and some parm cheese! Yum. Or roast them!