I am Superman. I can heal my heart.
No, really.
Remember back when I was first born (two months ago already!) and you were all worried about that hole in my heart? Well, now you can officially stop worrying. Mommy and I went to the doctor yesterday for both a routine two month check-up and a visit to the cardiologist. They both said I am perfect.
The cardiologist did another EKG and saw that the hole that once was, is no longer. All on my own, I sealed it up! How's that for Superman abilities?
The doctor also looked at that big valve I have and said that even though it is larger than normal, it is not causing any sort of problem at all. We don't even have to go back to see him for a whole year, and after that we can call the whole thing DONE.
Oh, and I weighed in a t 11 lbs. 7 ozs., measured 22 1/2 inches long, and sit right at about the 50% percentile for both height and weight.
So that's my big news for the day. Now it's time for a nap.
oh my goodness i just want to come cuddle with you mr. ryan. you look so cozy!
Excellent News!!!
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