Monday, August 10, 2009

Helping Daddy...and Motormouth

This weekend was a busy one at our house. Mom-mom and daddy got all of the new drywall up in the bathroom. I helped! Mom-mom will post some pictures of that project to her blog later...

My job was to stand on daddy's ruler while he cut the drywall. I am very good at this. I am also very good at handing out screws, and re-arranging tools.

Today I'll be helping mom-mom sand the drywall. The way I will help is by sitting on the couch, watching "Cars" and not being in the bathroom.

Here's a vidoe of me from this morning. For those who don't believe mom-mom when she says I never stop talking...well, watch this.

Love, J

1 comment:

Janis said...

I love the matching father-son outfits! I'm still not convinced of the motor-mouthiness. *Someone* is asking him an awful lot of questions. :)