Thursday, July 22, 2010

T-Ball All Stars

This morning I went to sports class. It was t-ball day! I was really excited to get to play baseball. I've never actually played baseball before, but it sure sounded like fun. I wore my hat, just to be prepared.

When it was my turn up to bat, I selected my bat, walked up to the ball, and cracked it like a pro. Mom cheered, I ran to first base, and it was pretty awesome. I got to bat a whole bunch of times, and I hit it really far every time. Then it was pitching practice. Mom and I threw the ball back and forth. Of course, I threw the ball really well, too. (We're working on the whole catching thing.)

Mom said I can thank Dad for my natural abilities. She also said I could thank Dad for the fact that after about 7 minutes I decided I was feeling pretty tired and decided I would just go sit down and rest for a while. Something about motivation...

Anyways, here are a few pictures of me and my best buddy. We have a lot of fun together.

Daddy is headed out in the morning for his big fishing trip with Grandpa and Uncle Brett. We sure are gonna miss him.



GJJ said...

What is it with little boys and making faces to the camera? I guess that is just what they do. They can't help themselves

Kelly said...

Are his nails no longer blue?