Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Swimming, Swimming...

I started my swimming lessons yesterday! It was so much fun that I went back again today...and will go pretty much every day for the next two weeks.

Yesterday, this was the best picture Mom took. As you can see, I'm way, way far away. See that little person with a white shirt on, right in front of the blue bin? That's me.

So, today Mom brought a better lens for the camera and took some pics of my lesson.

Here we are with the teacher. His name is John and he's pretty cool. He makes us laugh. I really like his orange sunglasses.

 Chatting with the cute girls...(the socializing just might be my favorite part of swimming lessons.)

Getting ready for a big jump!

He catches me every time!

Now here's a good trick I learned. I'm getting ready for it...

Back float!

I think we were hopping like bunnies here...

Getting ready for a front float...

Teacher John wraps us all up after the lesson is over.

Today, he told me I was a Jedi.

And look who came to cheer me on! 

More swimming tomorrow. I told Mom that I think I'll be ready to go off of the diving board by next week.


1 comment:

GJJ said...

Yea jacob! Michael phelps move comes Jacob.