Thursday, April 28, 2011

Tag, You're It.

I've found a new passion. Forget that dancing stuff. I've decided to become a graffiti artist.

I've been tagging things all around my 'hood.

We haven't yet documented all of the indoor artwork, but I'll just tell you that upholstered furniture accepts chalk very, very well.

Just wait til I'm taller. It will greatly expand my available work space!

Mom caught me, but couldn't yell since I was drawing on the patio...which it totally allowed and acceptable.

She can't really yell at me anyway. Look at me.

Could you yell?

Didn't think so. You'd probably just give me a marshmallow like Mom did.

Have a good day!



Aunt becky said...

Is he the new Banksy?

holkoboys said...

LOL...I was going to say that but didn't think anyone would get it!